The law is a system of rules created and enforced through social or governmental institutions to regulate behavior. Law can be created by a legislative process and codified into statutes, decreed by the executive through regulations or established through case law by judicial decisions in common law jurisdictions. Private individuals may also create legally binding contracts and agreements, such as arbitration agreements, to settle disputes without the need for court action. The law has a wide range of social effects, influencing politics, history and economics in ways that are hard to pin down.
The precise definition of law is controversial and subject to a variety of interpretations. In broad terms it means a set of rules that governs the rights and duties of people, establishing who can and cannot be given certain things by others, regulating commerce, settling disputes, and protecting privacy. A legal system can be based on civil or criminal law, or both.
A basic definition is a rule or series of rules that a society sets for itself to achieve its goals and ensure it does not harm its members. It is a means of resolving conflict, and it ensures that everyone is treated fairly and with respect. The law defines the rights and responsibilities of citizens, including their right to life, liberty and property. It protects the vulnerable and provides redress for those who have been wronged by the actions of others. It also protects the individual against arbitrary treatment by the state or other entities such as corporations.
In a more narrow sense, law can be defined as a body of principles governing the rights and obligations of citizens or businesses. It is a comprehensive system of rules, usually arranged in codes that are easy to understand and use. It is based on a logical taxonomy that favours cooperation and order. It is an adaptable system, with codes avoiding excessive detail and containing general clauses that permit adaptation to change.
The study of law is called jurisprudence, and it includes the philosophy of law as well as the analysis of particular legal systems and laws. It is a complex and important field, involving philosophy, psychology, sociology, economics, history, religion, and political science as well as politics and the law.
Lawyers and judges are the main professions in law, and their training is rigorous and demanding. Many lawyers also take on other roles, such as advising clients or negotiating with other parties in settlements. A career in law can be very rewarding, but it is not an easy path. It is essential to be able to communicate clearly and effectively, as well as to be very organised and disciplined. A good understanding of maths is also useful, as much of the law is based on mathematical models. It is also important to have a good work ethic. In some fields, such as property law, the language used is more technical, and it can be difficult to understand if you do not have this background.